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Sun Gold Spaghetti

Updated: May 24, 2023

Cute, Vibrant and perfect for your next dinner party....Pasta is good.


1lb bucatini or thicker spaghetti , a Sp. no 12 works too!

3-4 cups sun gold cherry tomatoes

1 1/2 cups grated parmesan cheese

small handful of freshly chopped basil

2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

1 cup pasta water

2 tablespoons butter

pinch salt

scrunch or two pepper

1/4 cup heavy cream or 1/2 & 1/2

  1. Heat a large pot of salted water for your spaghetti, cover and let boil. While waiting for water , heat up a shallow but wide pan with a 1/4 cup of olive oil , med heat . Throw in your garlic and let cook until tender , stirring often to avoid burning. Add in tomatoes and a heavy pinch of salt , place on higher heat and let blister/ cook down, about 8-10 minutes stirring occasionally . Throw your spaghetti into water once water comes to a boil , give it a stir. Cook until al dente , 8 minutes.

  2. Once tomatoes begin to form a sauce , they are just about done . Lower heat slightly and add in a cup of startchy pasta water and 1 tablespoon of butter. Let simmer for 5 minutes .

  3. Add your spaghetti , cream, remainder of butter , and parmesan to tomatoes . TOSSing occasionally for about 2 minutes or until a glossy sauce has formed ,adding salt and pepper to taste .Top with Fresh herbs and parmesan.

Buon Appetito



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